We can meet all your structuring and administration real estate needs, whether for high value personal property or commercial real estate. The responsible management of real estate is at the heart of our proposition and with more than £5bn of real estate assets under management, our team of corporate structuring, tax and accounting professionals is primed to assist you in realising your international property investment ambitions.

Residential Real Estate

Buying and owning a high-value property for your own use, or that of your family, can be complex - particularly when making purchases across borders or when dealing with properties other than your primary residence.

We can help by:

  • Structuring the ownership of the asset in line with long-term family objectives and succession plans, enhancing confidentiality, ensuring compliance and optimising tax exposure.
  • Preparing appropriate tax returns and claims for the jurisdiction of the property.
  • Preparing for and dealing with tax compliance requirements associated with sale or transfer.


Commercial Real Estate

Commercial property remains a staple for many private and institutional investors across the world. Our international team is highly experienced in supporting complex, cross-border property transactions and investment structures.

We can help by:

  • Structuring ownership through the most appropriate international company or trust structure for your needs.
  • Preparing necessary tax returns and claims in the asset's jurisdiction.
  • Ensuring compliance with local tax rules associated with a sale, such as UK stamp duty and land taxes.
  • Managing complex property portfolios, such as student accommodation, hotels, shopping centres or office blocks.
  • Taking care of financial accounting and reporting requirements including complex accounting adjustments, waterfall calculations and management fee calculations.

Real Estate Case Studies

A showcase of multijurisdictional real estate case studies.

Enabling large-scale UK development through Jersey

Our client needed specialist support to manage the site acquisition and development phase of a hotel and apartment complex and subsequently support selling portions of the development, which was valued at a total of more than £400m.

Suntera Global’s Solution
As well as helping to establish the initial structural framework to initiate acquisition of the site, the Jersey team at Suntera Global also provided a broad range of ongoing support throughout the development phase of the project, including providing Directors, overseeing financing arrangements and liaising alongside third parties to ensure smooth and seamless completion of the development.

Once completed, the Jersey team also helped to sell the apartments while keeping the hotel part of the development, which required high quality structuring to ensure clarity around future sales and ownership. The team also identified a large hotel group to run the hotel.

Specialist support for global investors and asset managers through Luxembourg

A broad range of clients, including both investors and asset managers, have sought expertise in Luxembourg to support their global cross-border real estate ambitions – from South Korean investors using KTrust structures, to private investors and institutional Belgian, German, Czech, Danish and French asset managers holding property assets, typically valued between EUR30m – 400m.

Suntera Global’s Solution
Suntera Global’s team in Luxembourg has supported real estate investment through unregulated structures, where a fund is typically domiciled outside of Luxembourg, including in the UK, Jersey, Asia, the US or Cayman. Providing clients with the desired EU environment for real estate investment structuring, the team works across Holding, Financing and Property Companies, under the form of a SARL (LLC).
The range of services offered by Suntera’s Luxembourg team is broad and has included domiciliation, assistance with incorporation, providing Board members and organising Board meetings, compliance with accounting, VAT and reporting requirements, assistance with acquisitions and exits, and daily administration.

We can meet all your structuring and administration real estate needs, whether for high value personal property or commercial real estate. The responsible management of real estate is at the heart of our proposition and with more than £1bn of real estate assets under management, our team of corporate structuring, tax and accounting professionals is primed to assist you in realising your international property investment ambitions.

Supporting London mixed development through the Isle of Man

Our client had a target of five mixed-use residential and commercial development sites, valued at a total of more than £150m, all in London and all of which had the benefit of being acquired with full planning permission, and wanted a robust, comprehensive but flexible structure that could support the ongoing management of all sites.

Suntera Global’s Solution
Suntera’s team in the IoM established an overarching Holding Company, under which there were five subsidiary Property Holding and Development Companies (PHDCs) that would hold the five separate sites.

In addition, the team established a subsidiary Property Management Company to manage the developments, as well as three ‘Blocker Lease SPV’s’, subsidiaries of the PHDCs designed to protect the freehold of three of the properties so that they could be sold without triggering any apartment tenant rights under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987. A further Intermediate Holding Company held shares in each of the PHDCs.

For each of the five PHDCs there was an element of commercial borrowing along with subordinated debt from the main Holding Company, while there was also an element of mezzanine borrowing in two of the structures.

Suntera provided Directors for all the companies except one, with work undertaken including company formation, bank account opening, VAT registrations, liaison with third parties including lawyers, Process Agents and accountants, and reviewing a broad range of documentation including finance, building contracts, deeds, lease agreements, purchase agreements and term sheets. Ultimately the client achieved an efficient, robust overall framework that enabled the development and onward sale of the sites.

Concierge services support for residential real estate

Our client owns a number of properties that he did not wish to hold in a corporate structure but still wanted us to assist with the upkeep and provide concierge type services, to alleviate him of timely constraints that can arise with multiple properties.

Suntera Global’s Solution
Our Concierge services are provided on a consultancy basis and for this client we have assisted by engaging with utility companies, property management companies, UK lawyers, we review property expenses and arrange settlements, contact insurance companies regarding renewals and policies and organise insurance claims. We also review Property Management Company AGM agenda, attend the meeting for support and review Section 20 notices.

Furthermore, we support with concierge services to ensure the property is equipped for when our client and family wish to stay or visit a property and liaise with service companies to ensure electrical, A/C systems and fire regulation are all in order.

To discuss our real estate services, please contact Michael Charmer, Head of Corporate Services:

Michael Charmer


To learn how we can enhance your business, contact Michael:

T: +44 1624 683245
E: michael.charmer@suntera.com

See Michael’s profile