The Do’s and Don’ts of Changing Fund Administrators

22 August 2023

Changing fund administrators is a critical decision that fund managers may face at some point in their journey. Whether prompted by performance issues, strategic shifts, or regulatory requirements, transitioning to a new fund administrator can be both a complex and impactful process. In this blog post, we will explore the do’s and don’ts of changing fund administrators to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

The Do’s:

  1. Establish Clear Objectives from the Start: Changing fund administrators is a monumental undertaking, so it is imperative that fund managers clearly define their objectives for changing service providers. Determine the reasons for the transition and set achievable goals and timelines. Having a well-defined roadmap with management and team buy-in will keep your team focused and ensure a more efficient process.

  2. Thorough Due Diligence: Before selecting a new fund administrator, conduct thorough due diligence. Research and compare potential candidates based on their reputation, team experience, expertise in your fund strategy, and technology and reporting capabilities. Take the time to interview each candidate to gauge their compatibility with your organization’s specific needs. Conduct onsite interviews, meet with different members of the firm, and sit down to get to know the team that will be assigned to your fund. Additionally, speak with your network to understand their experience working with the fund administrator. What have they done well? Where are areas they can improve? How have they handled conflict? Conducting thorough due diligence upfront will save you from experiencing service issues down the line.

  3. Collaborate and Communicate: Changing fund administrators can be analogized to a meticulously orchestrated concert. Involve all relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process to ensure everyone is onboard with the plan and understands their roles and expectations. This includes the current fund administrator, the new fund administrator and the fund manager. Open communication with all parties is essential for a successful transition.

  4. Plan for Data Migration: Data migration is one of the most challenging aspects of changing administrators. Plan well in advance and work closely with both the outgoing and incoming administrators to ensure seamless transfer of historical data, investor records, and documents. Consider running parallel books and records for a month or two to ensure the data migrated correctly and there are no issues with data feeds, investor records, or historical performance data.

  5. Verify Compliance and Regulatory Alignment: Ensure that the new administrator meets all the necessary regulatory requirements for your fund’s jurisdiction. Compliance is non-negotiable when it comes to fund administration, as it directly impacts the fund’s reputation and investor confidence.

The Don’ts:

  1. Rush the Process: Changing fund administrators is a significant decision that should not be rushed. Take the time needed to thoroughly evaluate potential candidates and to plan and execute the transition. Rushing the process may lead to costly mistakes and jeopardize the fund’s stability.

  2. Overlook Technology Capabilities: In today’s digital age, a fund administrator’s technology infrastructure plays a crucial role in their ability to provide efficient services. Avoid overlooking technology capabilities and compatibility with your own systems, as it can impact the overall administration process.

  3. Ignore the Impact on Investors: Consider the impact on investors during the transition. Communicate the upcoming change to your investors transparently and provide them with necessary updates throughout the process. Address their concerns and questions promptly to maintain their
    confidence in your fund.

  4. Neglect Training and Onboarding: A smooth transition also depends on the proficiency of your team and the new administrator’s staff. Invest in training and onboarding sessions to familiarize everyone with the new processes and systems, avoiding unnecessary disruptions.

  5. Disregard Continuity Planning: Develop a detailed continuity plan in case any unexpected challenges arise during the transition. This plan should include a backup strategy and clear roles for addressing potential issues promptly.

Changing fund administrators is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, collaboration, and execution. By adhering to the do’s and don’ts outlined in this blog post, fund managers can navigate this process with confidence. Remember, the key to a successful transition lies in conducting thorough due diligence and communicating effectively throughout the entire process. A well-executed transition will not only safeguard the fund’s stability but also reinforce investor trust and confidence in your organization.


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Matthew Reynolds _ Profile (April 2023)       Matthew Reynolds


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