Acquiring and managing luxury assets requires specialist expertise – whether it’s sourcing a particular artwork or acquiring a sought-after yacht or aircraft. Families want to be free to enjoy their assets as part of their lifestyle, safe in the knowledge that their assets are protected and well managed.

Families can take comfort in knowing that our team at Suntera Private Office has decades of experience in ensuring that luxury movable assets, such as marine and aviation assets, are managed in an appropriately discreet manner, held in appropriate structures, adhere to all compliance and regulatory requirements, and are managed proactively and distinctively to the highest possible standards – for instance where staffing, maintenance, licensing, and insurance are concerned.


To discuss our tailored solutions for your family’s future, please contact Rose Chan, Director:

Rose Chan


To learn how we can enhance your business, contact Rose:

T: +852 2317 1729

See Rose’s profile